Introduction to our
a partnership between the City of Chattanooga Stormwater Division & Chattanooga State
Protecting NATURE’S resource through knowledge and
awareness of our Watershed
Making a Difference
By being a resident of the Lower Tennessee River Watershed,
you can be an active participant in keeping the amazing system
in tip-top shape. 
How?... you might say; by getting involved or starting a group
of equally concerned citizens that gain a greater understanding
of the watershed that we live in.
Work through all modules of the Watershed Academy even if you
are not a contractor, educator or a politician.
Contact your local community organization to see what they are
currently doing. If you do not have an active organization in your
neighborhood...get a few neighbors together and start the campaign.
Whatever you find as far as community support...get involved or
get started with a new movement that takes on the challenge of
preserving the Lower Tennessee River Watershed.
Please click on the links to the right for ideas and more information: